Contenido de Youtube debe cumplir de ahora en adelante con COPPA

Important changes that may impact your monetization and content discoverability are coming.
Starting today, all creators are required to tell us if their content is made for kids in order to comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and/or other applicable laws. To help you comply, we are introducing a new audience setting in YouTube Studio.
Depending on the amount of made for kids content on your channel, you can set your audience at either the channel level or the video level. For those who are setting at the channel level, it is just one click.
Potential Audience Settings
These changes are required as part of a settlement with the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and NY Attorney General, and will help you comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and/or other applicable laws.
We know that these changes won’t be easy for some creators, and that this required change is going to take some time getting used to. But these are important steps to take to ensure compliance with the law.
Please read more below to understand your legal obligations and the impact these choices may have on your channel.
What is changing?
Starting today, all creators are required to mark their content as made for kids or not made for kids in YouTube Studio.
Starting in January: we will limit the data we collect on made for kids content to comply with the law. This means we will disable personalized ads on this content (which affects revenue for creators making content for kids), as well as certain features like comments, notifications and others. Note: You may see some small changes as we experiment and refine our systems over the next few months.
For a list of affected features, go here.
Why is this happening?
These changes are required as part of a settlement with the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and NY Attorney General, and will help you comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and/or other applicable laws.
Regardless of your location, we are required to ask you to set your videos as made for kids if they fall into that category, please make these settings as soon as possible.
We’ll also use machine learning systems to help us find content that is clearly made for kids. But do not rely on our systems to set content for you — like all automated systems, ours are not perfect.
If you don’t set your content or if we detect error or abuse, we may set your audience for you. If you fail to set your content accurately you may face compliance issues with the FTC or other authorities, and we may take action on your YouTube account.
What is “made for kids” content?
We cannot provide specific legal advice, but according to the FTC’s guidance on COPPA, a video is child directed (which we call “made for kids”) if:
It is directed to children as the primary audience (e.g. videos for preschoolers).
It is directed to children but children are a secondary audience (e.g. cartoon video that primarily targets teenagers but is also intended for younger kids).
Learn more about the factors that determine if your content is considered as made for kids here.
We know this won’t be easy for some creators, and that this required change is going to take some getting used to. While we cannot provide legal advice, we are committed to helping you through this transition.
You can learn more about your own obligations under The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and the tools we are building to support you here.
The YouTube Team

Become a certified Oracle Certified Digital Assistant (Chatbot) Expert by Rubén Rodríguez

Oracle Digital Assistant provides the platform and tools to easily build AI-powered assistants that connect to your backend applications. A digital assistant uses artificial intelligence for natural language processing and understanding, to automate engagements with conversational interfaces that respond instantly, improve user satisfaction, and increase business efficiencies.
Why to become a certified Oracle expert? Reasons to Invest in Oracle Certifications:
Gain a competitive advantage by developing a skill set that’s in demand, worldwide.
Join the 80% of Oracle certification holders who reported a promotion, salary increase or other career improvements.
Access a secure digital badge you can add to your social media profiles.
How to become a certified Oracle Digital Assistant Expert?
Training Material This page brings together resources for delivery and uptake of Oracle Digital Assistant. This material is a complete end-to-end leanring library including product features and best practices for developing chatbot skills and digital assistants.
Developer Community Regular Oracle Digital Assistant information including sales kits, training’s and marketing material.
Slack Channel Ask your ODA questions and get support from our technical experts.
“Oracle Digital Assistant drives innovation & digitalization of our customers. As a certified Oracle expert our customers are ensured that we deliver successful Chatbot projects.”
Rubén Rodríguez
Oracle ACE Director
Cloud & Mobile Solution Specialist
For regular information become a member in the WebLogic Partner Community please visit: ( OPN account required). If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.

Matrícula Taller Virtual Oracle Performance Tuning for Developers

Buenas tardes
Me han hecho varias solicitudes por estos días, así que vamos a ver el nivel de aceptación de esta propuesta de talleres virtuales.
Taller Virtual

Oracle Performance Tuning for Developers

Idioma: Español

Tema 1: Nuevas características de Oracle Database 11g y 12c (Developers)
Tema 2: Escribiendo y ejecutando correctamente una sentencia SQL en una Base de Datos
Tema 3: La optimización basada en RULE y COST
Tema 4: Temas importantes sobre manejo de sintaxis –
El efecto de la buenas prácticas en el desarrollo de aplicaciones –
Tema 5: El optimizador de la base de datos – Parseo de instrucciones –
Tema 6: Optimización de la base de datos con parámetros de inicialización-
El efecto a nivel de ejecución de sentencias –
Tema 7: Uso e interpretación de Planes de Ejecución ( Explain Plan )
para determinar como se ejecutará mi sentencia
Tema 8: Principios, arquitectura y uso de índices
Tema 9: Técnicas de Optimización de consultas
Tema 10: Consideraciones en versiones 18c, 19c

Duración total taller: Duración: 12 horas
Grupo 1
Sesiones de 2 horas, Lun,Miérc,Juev
Horario: 8:00PM – 10:00PM
Grupo 2
Sesiones: 3 horas
Sábados de 8:00am-11:00am
Más información: Para costo y metodología
Atención: #tallervirtual
Aplican restricciones de cupo mínimo
para apertura del curso.

Mark Hurd muere a sus 62 años, dejándo una estela de amigos durante su paso por Oracle


 , Bus
El CEO de Oracle, Mark Hurd, falleció el viernes a la edad de 62 años, poco más de un mes después de que se ausentó de la compañía para concentrarse en su salud.
El fundador y director de tecnología de Oracle, Larry Ellison, anunció la noticia en una publicación en el sitio web personal de Hurd.
«Mark era mi amigo cercano e irremplazable, y un colega de confianza. Oracle ha perdido a un líder brillante y querido que personalmente tocó la vida de muchos de nosotros durante su década en Oracle», escribió Ellison.

«Sé que muchos de nosotros estamos inconsolables en este momento, pero nos quedan recuerdos y una sensación de gratitud … de que tuvimos la oportunidad de conocer a Mark, la oportunidad de trabajar con él … y convertirnos en su amigo».
Hurd se unió a Oracle en 2010, y fue nombrado co-CEO con Safra Catz después de que Ellison dejó el cargo en 2014. Anteriormente, Hurd se desempeñó como CEO de Hewlett-Packard, donde su mandato terminó en medio de acusiones y escándalos.
Después de que se rompió la noticia del fallecimiento de Hurd, los empleados de Oracle inmediatamente recurrieron a las redes sociales para lamentar su muerte.
«Entristecido por la pérdida de nuestro líder, Mark Hurd», escribió Ann Rombach, asesora principal de talentos de Oracle, en Twitter. «No se disculpó por su feroz naturaleza competitiva y se esforzó por ganar».

Oracle Blog: How To Setup And Run A Free Minecraft Server In The Cloud

By Todd Sharp
In this article we’ll take a look at how you can create an «always free» virtual machine and use it to run a Minecraft Server. Before we get started, you’ll have to sign up for a free account with Oracle Cloud. This requires a credit card, but there are absolutely no charges at all if you follow the tutorial below. 
If you’re not yet the age of majority (usually 18), please have your parent sign up for a free Oracle Cloud account and help you with the steps below! 
After you have created your free account and signed in, the first thing you’ll need to do is create a virtual machine that will be used to host the Minecraft server. 
Creating The Virtual Machine 
You’ll need to create a Virtual Machine to host your Minecraft server. After you have logged in to the Oracle Cloud dashboard, click on ‘Create a VM instance’ on the homepage. 
Next, enter a name for your VM and then click ‘Show Shape, Network and Storage Options’ and then make sure that you pick the ‘always free’ shape: 
The ‘always free’ shape: 
You will need something known as an «SSH Key» to log in to your server later on. If you’ve never heard of these, that’s perfectly OK, we’ll walk through the process of creating one here. They may seem a bit difficult at first, but I promise they are really easy to work with. There are a bunch of ways to create SSH Keys, but a really easy way to do it is online. To create one online, go to this website: The screen should look something like this: 
Click on ‘Generate & Download (zip)’ and once it has downloaded open the zip. Open the folder called ‘keys’ inside the zip and copy both of these files to somewhere safe on your computer. I renamed my two files as ‘minecraft_private_key.txt’ and ‘minecraft_public_key.txt’. Next, open up the public key text file and copy the contents of that. Now, back in the Oracle Cloud console, paste this text in the box that says ‘SSH key’. Then click ‘Create’: 
At first your instance will be in ‘Provisioning’ state and the screen will look like this: 
After about a minute or two, your server will be ready and it will look like this: 
Copy the IP Address from the ‘Public IP Address’ section. Next up, we’ll connect to the server to continue with the setup. 
If you are using a Mac or a Linux machine, you can use a command line like ‘Terminal’ to connect up to your server. If you’re using Windows, you’ll have to use a tool like ‘Putty’ to connect to the server. Whichever you use, connect up to the server using the IP address and the private SSH key that you downloaded earlier. The default username for this server is «opc» (it stands for «Oracle Public Cloud» if you were wondering). Here’s how I did that: 
And now I am connected to the VM! 
Installing Java On The VM 
The VM needs to have Java installed, so let’s do that first. Run the following commands, one at a time, from your SSH terminal: 
yum repolist all 
sudo yum-config-manager –enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms sudo yum install java-11-openjdk-devel 
Once the final command is complete, enter java -version and you should see something like this: 
Excellent, we’ve installed Java! 
Install Minecraft Server Software 
Now we need to download the Minecraft server software. You can get that from and an easy way to download that in Linux is called ‘wget’ . Copy the link to the server download from the download page and then run this on the server: 
Next, try to run the server using: 
java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar server.jar nogui 
It should fail the first time you try to run it and it will look like this: 
Open the file ‘eula.txt’ with ‘nano eula.txt’ and edit it like so: 
Then press ‘CTRL+X’, type ‘Y’ and then hit enter to save the file. 
Before we try to start the server again, let’s deal with some networking. 
Open Port In Server Network 
You’re almost ready to use your new Minecraft server, but you’ll need to open up a port in the security list in your server’s network first. On the VM details page, click on the ‘subnet’ link: 
On the next page, look on the left side of the page for a link called ‘Security Lists’ and click on it: 
On the security list page, click on the ‘Default Security List’ link: 
On the security list details page, click on ‘Add Ingress Rules’: 
In the Ingress Rules dialog window, create 2 rules and enter the values shown here: 
You’ll also need to open up these ports on the VM’s firewall, so run the following commands: 
sudo firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=25565/tcp 
sudo firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=25565/udp 
sudo firewall-cmd –reload 
Starting The Server 
At this point, the server is ready to be started! Run the server again with: 
java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar server.jar nogui 
After a minute or so, your server is up and running! It’s not going to be the fastest server you’ve ever used, but it is perfect for testing out some settings or hosting small games with a friend or two. You can read more about setting up your server and configuring it here

Embrace The Transformatios – Live The Cloud, México 03 de Octubre de 2019

Oracle te invita a participar de la transmisión en vivo de la conferencia de Safra Catz, CEO de Oracle.

Conoce más:

Safra A. Catz es CEO de Oracle hace 15 años. antes Presidente y CFO de la compañia. Hoy, es también una de las directoras de The Walt Disney Company.

Observa lo que ella tiene por decir sobre las innovaciones y tendencias más grandes del mundo de la tecnología en el evento Embrace The Transformatios – Live The Cloud, que se llevará a cabo en México el día 3 de octubre.

Inscríbete gratis para participar y saber cómo Oracle está transformando el mundo, empoderando las personas por medio de la innovación.

Inscríbete ahora cta-arrow

Oracle Announcing General Availability of Audit Service Enhancements

By Vimal Kocherla
We’re pleased to announce the general availability release of enhancements to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Audit Service. 
About the Audit Service
The Audit Service automatically records calls to all supported public API endpoints made via the Console, CLI or SDK. Customers can access audit logs via the Console, CLI or SDK, or by bulk exporting them to their Object Storage from where they can route them to a preferred Security Incident Management system for further analysis. Audit Service is a critical tool for IT and Security Administrators for troubleshooting day-to-day operational and security issues, and for Compliance teams for enabling governance and compliance auditing of OCI tenancies. 
Audit Service Enhancements
Following are the top Audit Service enhancements that will be generally available starting today:

1. State Change Summaries: IT/Security admins need the ability to back trace resource states to investigate issues more effectively. Audit logs will therefore now provide information about the previous and current state of a resource after it has been mutated by a public facing API.

Example –
//»previous» property captures state of a resource before it was mutated. «current» property captures state of a resource after it was mutated «stateChange»: { «previous»: null, «current»: null }

2. Begin and End Audit events for long-running APIs: To provide more visibility into when execution for long-running APIs starts and completes, such APIs e.g. Compute LaunchInstance, will now emit a .Begin event when the API is invoked, and a .End event when the operation completes execution. Example –

// .Begin event emitted when the API is invoked «eventType»: «com.oraclecloud.Compute.LaunchInstance.Begin» // .End event emitted when the API completes execution «eventType»: «com.oraclecloud.Compute.LaunchInstance.End» 

 3. Error messages for failed API invocations: To provide more insights into ‘why’ an API call failed, Audit logs will now have a message property that provides information around why an API call failed. Example – 

//»message» property provides insights into «why» an API invocation failed «message»: «My_First_Compute_Instance LaunchInstance failed with response ‘Unauthorized'» 

Introducing the Audit v2 Schema
Since these enhancements require updates to the Audit schema based on which audit events are logged, we are now introducing a new Audit v2 schema that captures this additional information. Technical documentation for this schema is available here. 
Getting started with Audit Service enhancements
Audit logs with the aforementioned enhancements can be accessed in one of the following ways: 
Console: The Audit Service UX in the console will display audit logs in the Audit v2 schema format. 
ListEventsV2 API: We are also introducing a new ListEventsV2 API for retrieving logs in the new Audit v2 schema format. Technical documentation for this API is available here. 
Please note that the console and the ListEventsV2 API will return logs in both Audit v1 (older format that doesn’t support these new enhancements) and Audit v2 schema formats depending on which format a service is emitting audit logs in. For example, audit logs for a service will adhere to the Audit v2 schema if that service supports the Audit v2 schema. If not, audit logs will be returned in the Audit v1 schema. 
Please note that there are no changes to the existing ListEvents API and bulk audit log export functionality – they will continue to return audit logs in the Audit v1 schema for all services, independent of the schema the services are emitting logs in. 
Starting today, Audit v2 schema based logs will be available for Compute, Block Storage, Object Storage, Key Management, Service Gateway, Notifications and Orchestration services in all regions that the Audit Service is available currently. Technical documentation for Audit Service enhancements is available here.

Oracle Bloggers: Journey To The Free Cloud – Migrating From AWS To OCI

By Todd Sharp
Last week at Oracle Open World we made a «game changing» announcement – a completely free tier of services for Oracle Cloud. I’ve read the criticisms on Twitter and I know you’re skeptical. Nothing’s truly free, right? But it’s true – a completely free tier. Not for 1 month. Not for 12 months. Forever. Autonomous Database is included in the «always free» tier offering and you can get 2 instances – each with 1 OCPU and 20 GB storage. What can you do with this? Tons – and I’ll be blogging more about this in the near future, so stay tuned. You also get compute power with 2 virtual machines with 1/8 OCPU and 1 GB memory each. These aren’t blazing fast, but trust me – they’re good enough for certain applications and I’ll be blogging about some ideas for these as well. You also get storage – 2 Block Volumes, 100 GB total, 10 GB Object Storage and 10 GB Archive Storage, a Load Balancer (1 instance), and 10 Mbps bandwidth. Also included is monitoring, notifications, and email delivery. There’s honestly no reason that you shouldn’t take advantage of this, so learn more and sign up today. Yes, you need to put in a credit card for verification. No, you won’t be charged a thing without consent. I’ve signed up for other cloud providers free tiers lately, and I don’t recall any of them letting you sign up without a credit card on file. 
Hands On 
Since I’m a developer advocate for Oracle Cloud (and not in marketing or sales), there was no way I’d be blogging about this free tier unless I first got my hands dirty with it myself and had faith that it was worthwhile and was something other developers would find useful. So I signed up for a personal account and decided to move my personal blog over from Amazon Web Services to the Oracle Cloud free tier. I’ve been using AWS for several years prior to joining Oracle to host my personal blog and just hadn’t yet gotten around to migrating it to Oracle Cloud so this was the perfect project to try out with the free tier. My blog is a pretty straightforward application: for the database I was using MySQL on Amazon RDS and the blogware is a custom Grails application deployed as a WAR file on Apache Tomcat with S3 used as image hosting and Amazon SES for email delivery. So the migration plan looked like this: 
Migrate DB from MySQL RDS to Autonomous DB 
Migrate images from S3 to OCI Object Storage 
Swap SES for OCI email delivery 
Deploy application on OCI VM 
The first step was obviously signing up for my free account and launching my new DB instance and VM. I’ve blogged about the sign up process and launching your first free Autonomous DB instance before, so check that out if you need help. 
Migrating The DB 
The DB migration was easy and painless using SQL Developer which includes a wizard that is used to guide you through the migration. There’s a catch though – you need to use a user with some very liberal permissions to perform the migration, so please read the full documentation before you attempt your migration. Let’s be honest though – you’re not going to read that whole document, are you? No, you’re not, but I know that you’ll at least read this section that tells you the permissions required for the migration user
Once my data was migrated, I had to make some slight changes to the Grails application to account for using Oracle DB instead of MySQL. Things like changing the settings for the Hibernate dialect and using sequences instead of auto-incrementing keys. Nothing out of the ordinary though – anytime you change the backend for an application you have to expect that there will be some minor tweaks involved. 
Migrating Objects From S3 
This was relatively easy because I only had about 100 images to move, so I simply downloaded them all manually from S3 and uploaded them into Oracle Cloud Object Storage by hand. More complex migrations are certainly possible, check this whitepaper if you have such a need. Once the objects were in place, I ran a SQL update query to replace the existing links in all of my blog posts with the new link location in OCI Object Storage. Finally, I needed to modify my code to point at Oracle Cloud instead of S3 so that any new uploads would end up in Object Storage instead of my old AWS bucket. My Grails application utilizes the AWS SDK via a Grails plugin and I certainly could have swapped that out for the OCI SDK, but why bother with that when OCI Object Storage provides a compatible S3 endpoint that can be used with the existing AWS SDK. The only change that was required for the plugin was to change the endpoint and a few settings, and that was accomplished via 3 lines of code in my Controller (lines 4-6 below): 
Next, I swapped out my Grails Mail plugin settings from the AWS SES server to the OCI server. I found these settings via the console sidebar menu, under Email Delivery – Email Configuration: 
The settings were shown here: 
Clicking ‘Manage SMTP Credentials’ on the configuration page takes you to the user management section where you can generate the credentials for your application to use. 
Deploying The Application 
So at this point, I’ve created and migrated the DB, migrated my objects and configured the application to work with the new environment (the DB, object store and email delivery services in Oracle Cloud). The next step is deploying the application itself, which means I’ll need to create a compute instance. To get started, head back to the console dashboard and click ‘Create a VM Instance’: 
Name your instance, choose the image OS: 
Next, upload an SSH public key that you’ll be able to use to connect to the instance and click ‘Create’: 
Once the instance has been created you are able to view the instance details. Take note of the public IP address, you’ll use this to SSH into the machine (using the username ‘opc’ and the SSH key you specified previously. We’ll need to add some ingress rules if we want to allow web traffic, so click on the subnet listed here: 
On the subnet details page, in the left sidebar, click ‘Security Lists’ and then select the default security list to edit: 
Add an ingress rule to allow traffic on ports 80 and 443: 
The compute instance is now ready to go. You may need to also open up local firewall ports on the VM itself if traffic is blocked
At this point, I installed Tomcat and uploaded my WAR file and deployed it. Some additional setup for SSL certs was required in my case, but it was a very easy migration overall. 
Comparing AWS to OCI 
So what do I gain with this migration? Let’s break it down: 
The easy answer here is that I no longer need to pay $35 to Amazon each month for hosting my blog. The OCI «always free» tier costs – well, nothing…ever. It doesn’t expire after 12 months like AWS free tier. 
Cost: Hands down, the winner is OCI for being ‘always free’. 
While cost is nothing to sneeze at, there’s more to talk about here. 
I’m a developer, not a marketing person – so I’m not big on metrics or stats. I can tell you, I’ve never experienced an extended outage on either platform. In fact, I can’t honestly remember any downtime on either one and I’ve done extensive work with both platforms over the years. That being said, self-patching and no-downtime upgrades mean less outages – which equals more reliability. 
Reliability: Data shows that Autonomous DB and Autonomous OS (Oracle Linux) lead to less downtime and a more reliable experience on Oracle Cloud. Winner: OCI. 
User Experience 
I’m going to show you some screenshots here, because they tell the best story. You can judge this for yourself, but I think it’s pretty evident which console experience is more consistent, clean, well-organized and easy to use (and look at for that matter). All examples below will show OCI first, and AWS second. 
Listing compute instances: 
Editing security rules: 
Listing object storage buckets. S3’s interface is showing improvement, but is completely inconsistent with the look-and-feel of the rest of the service offerings on AWS: 
Creating a db instance. Again – the RDS interface is clean, but inconsistent with other AWS services. Meanwhile, the OCI interface is clean, organized and consistent. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the OCI console, you can be confident that you’ll not be confused by any other services in the dashboard because they will look and act the same way as the rest of the services in Oracle Cloud. 
User Experience: AWS has a few really nice interfaces (depending on the service), and some really dated and old looking services like EC2. OCI is the winner here with the clean, well-organized and consistent experience that isn’t too busy or crowded. It’s modern, clean and easy to use which even I’ll admit was not a strong point of many Oracle user interfaces in the past. 
Oracle has a free tier. It’s really free. It costs nothing to use. Forever. It’s awesome and you should totally use it.

September 2019 Edition Oracle Developer Community Newsletter


September 2019 Edition Oracle Developer Community Newsletter

Dear Developer Partner Community,

It’s time for a change, as the developer partner community expands around the globe. The new newsletter registration page is online here, please forward this link to year team! 

PaaS Summer Camps 2019 training material is available at our Developer Community workspace (membership required). In case you could not attend the workshops in Lisbon we offer hands-on Integration Bootcamps around the globe including Bangalore, Reading, Reston and Chicago for details please visit the registration page. We are in process to plan additional locations or you can attend the web-training.

Watch Robert Szilinski, from esentri how to build Autonomous Supply Chain with Oracle Blockchain Cloud Service. The team developed an innovative SCM solution-price calculation formulas are stored on a blockchain as smart contracts. Thanks to the Oracle Blockchain CS, all parties involved can blindfoldedly trust order processes and associated price calculations. Submit your success story via the customer reference program.

During Oracle OpenWorld 2019 in San Francisco Oracle Digital Assistant unveiled voice capabilities. The OOW ODA hands-on training material is already available. The training will support you to become a certified Chatbot expert

Oracle Functions is now general available. Get a free new always free service and try to deploy a function. 

Jürgen Kress

For a short summary of our key monthly information watch the Fusion Middleware & PaaS Partner Updates on YouTube. The September edition highlights the PaaS Summer Camp, how to become a hands-on trained and certified expert on the Oracle Cloud Platform. This month’s community webcast will be an update Oracle Digital Assistant by Joe Huang. Join our PaaS Partner Community Webcast September 26th 2019.

Want to publish your best practice article & news in the next community newsletter? Please feel free to send it via Twitter @wlsCommunity #DeveloperCommunity!

Jürgen Kress
PaaS Partner Adoption
Oracle HQ
Tel. +49 89 1430 1479

Training Material PaaS Summer Camps 2019

Paas Summer Camp
Thanks for attending the one week hands-on PaaS Summer Camp 2019 in Lisbon. Trained and certified experts are key to ensure customer success. In case you could not make it to Lisbon, here is all the material & follow-up information.

Training material

Training material is available at our community workspace:

PaaS Community workspace (membership required)
Developer Community workspace (membership required)

Cloud trial

Get a free Oracle cloud trial here. To attend the hands-on training’s please make sure you have access to the Oracle cloud platform.

Integrate SaaS hands-on Bootcamps in Bangalore, Reading, Reston, Chicago and as a Virtual Class

SaaS Hands On Bootcamps
Do you want to find out why Gartner named Oracle as a Leader in Magic Quadrant for three years in row? Are you able to innovate quickly in the new digital world? Are you looking for ways to integrate systems and data faster using a modern cloud integration platform? Attend the Oracle Integration Bootcamp, a three days hands-on training for Oracle partners! 


Bangalore, India September 23rd-25th 2019
Reading UK October 9th-11th 2019
Virtual web training November 4th-6th 2019
Reston, USA November 5th-7th 2019
Chicago, USA December 17th-19th 2019

Digital Assistant Update – PaaS Partner Community Webcast September 26th 2019

PaaS Partner Community Webcasts

Attend our September edition of the PaaS Partner Community Webcast live on September 26th 2019.

Oracle Digital Assistant provides the platform and tools to easily build AI-powered assistants that connect to your backend applications. A digital assistant uses artificial intelligence for natural language processing and understanding, to automate engagements with conversational interfaces that respond instantly, improve user satisfaction, and increase business efficiencies. For more information please visit the website here.

Presenter: Joe Huang, Director Product Management
ID 5566478 password 279456
UK: +44 (0) 208 118 1001 & United States: +1 40 877 440 73
Schedule: Thursday September 26th 2019 16:30-17:30 CET.

Also, take the opportunity to watch our community webcasts on-demand:


PaaS Partner YouTube Update September 2019
PaaS Partner

The September video is a special edition of the PaaS Summer Camps including:
• Training material
• Certification
• Cloud trials

For regular updates please subscribe to our YouTube channel here. Thanks for your likes and sharing the video on YouTube and LinkedIn. For the latest PaaS Community information please visit our Community update wiki here (Community membership required).

PaaS Partner Success Video: Robert Szilinski, CEO esentri Autonomous Supply Chain with Oracle Blockchain Cloud Service.
PaaS Partner Success

esentri developed an innovative SCM solution-price calculation formulas are stored on a blockchain as smart contracts. 

Thanks to the Oracle Blockchain CS, all parties involved can blindfoldedly trust order processes and associated price calculations. For more information please visit the solution catalog

We want to promote your customer success! Have you implemented successful a solution based on the Oracle Cloud Platform? Submit your success story via the customer reference program.

It’s back – Partner Immersion for FY20!

Partner Immersion

Experience first-hand Oracle’s Sales Training

Partner Immersion is back and better than ever. Align yourself with Oracle’s sales strategy, learn to pitch the “Why Oracle, Why Now” declaration, as well as how to answer the question most commonly asked by our customers: “How do I transform my organization?

Immersion is an on-demand learning experience that equips you with the same Oracle laser-focused sales training and messaging delivered to internal sales consultants at the start of each new fiscal year. 

Developer Tools Section

Oracle Unveils AI-Voice for the Enterprise; Expands Partnership with Microsoft with Digital Assistant-Teams Integration


Oracle today announced availability of its AI-trained voice with Oracle Digital Assistant. “Enterprises are demanding an AI-powered voice assistant that understands their specific vocabulary and enables naturally expressive interactions for its users,” said Suhas Uliyar, vice president, AI and Digital Assistant, Oracle. “Most of all though, enterprises value a highly secure AI-powered voice assistant that stores their businesses sensitive data in Oracle’s second-generation cloud infrastructure.”

Read the full announcement here: Oracle Unveils AI-Voice for the Enterprise, and see what Oracle Digital Assistant customers are saying about the value of driving conversational voice and text interactions with Oracle Digital Assistant, the only true enterprise AI-powered digital assistant in the market today.

An another significant announcement, Oracle and Microsoft expand on their Cloud partnership with the availability of integration between Microsoft Teams and Oracle Digital Assistant. With this, Microsoft 365 and Oracle Cloud customers can access Oracle Cloud applications using Oracle Digital Assistant – an AI-powered conversational voice and text interface, directly from within Teams.
“Our aim is to have it (Oracle Digital Assistant) be the preferred method to get questions answered 24×7, access to policies and an amazing end-to-end approach for completing transactions with more speed and accuracy. We knew we wanted our HR digital assistant to be available where employees spend their time online, and an integration with Teams was therefore essential. Our vision is to have it become to employees what J.A.R.V.I.S. is to Iron Man.” Mark Burgess, senior director, HR Technology Solutions, Honeywell. Read the press release here.

Digital Assistant hands-on labs Oracle OpenWorld 2019


There are three brand new hands on labs developed and run and Oracle World this year. Whilst there is some minor work to be done to turn these into formal tutorials, they are available now should you wish.
HOL5639 Compose Digital Assistant for Oracle Applications with SaaS skills
HOL5640 Getting hands on with Oracle Digital Assistant Conversation Designer
HOL5645 From Zero to Chatbot and Digital Assistant in Under Two Hours


Let me start with a few questions. How many applications do you have on your smartphone? Which one do you use the most? On average, based on current surveys , Americans spend more than five hours a day on their phones. Their top two apps are Facebook and Instagram. I have more than 100 apps on my phone, and my most used ones are instant messenger apps, such as Whatsapp, which seems to be the top messaging app for users worldwide .


Value lists can be displayed using the System.List, System.CommonResponse and SystemResolveEntities component in Oracle Digital Assistant. A challenge for developers that is addressed in this article is how to sort entity derived lists.
Lets use a simple example in which an entity is defined that contains «Yes» and «No» as a value. By default, the sorting of the list values is ascending, which means that the list of «Yes» and «No» values will be displayed with the «No» option first. This order doesn’t change if you provide the «Yes» value option first when defining the entity.


GURU – A cutting-edge Digital Assistant designed to enhance and elevate student experience for Campus Solutions applications.
GURU is a Chatbot exclusively designed for Students to enhance interaction with the PS Campus Solutions application. Essentially, it works as a student self-service app by effectively simulating human conversation, which, in turn, improves student experience, resulting in increased enrollment. Some of the key business drivers for Chatbot adoption are the need for an elevated instant response to queries with quicker resolution of complaints, and detailed answers to complex questions – in the end, all leading to a satisfying customer experience. 


In particular, when working with custom components or webviews (also known as Instant Apps), you may need to add external system configurations, such as server URLs, tokens, Oracle Identity Cloud service, Oracle Digital Assistant instance URL, and more.
Of course, you can directly set these dependencies in the dialog flow (BotML) when defining the dialog flow state that references a custom component or webview. However, this has an impact to reuse of skills, and certainly would not follow best practices. As an example, when cloning a skill or when loading a skill from the skill store (a Fusion App feature only at current), you would need to be aware of and know how to find the code lines to change in the BotML code. 


In a recent Oracle TechExchange article, Upload Documents in an Oracle Digital Assistant Conversation with Messengers like Facebook or the Oracle JavaScript Client SDK, I explained how to upload documents in a messenger client through Oracle Digital Assistant. In this article I now explain the opposite, which is how to download of documents like audio, video, image and document files within a bot conversation.
Basically, to download documents in Oracle Digital Assistant conversations, you have three implementation options available:


«textReceived» is an action transition that exist on many Oracle Digital Assistant select components and that is followed when users enter free text instead of selecting a value from a choice.
For example, in a retail bot, if the user is prompted to select the size of a shirt to buy and the user instead types «I like to buy a pair of shorts», then the textReceived action would allow the bot designer to stop the current conversation flow and navigate to a System.Intent component state to discover the new intent and extract the new entity information. 


Visual Builder has built in lifecycle for applications that supports hosting the development, test, and production instances of an app on a single server. But many companies prefer to separate their dev instances from their production instances – this allows them to separate the users accessing each instance, separate the backends that they are accessing, and guarantee that there is no development load on the production server. If that is the approach taken, you’ll need to promote the app from the development VB instance to the production VB instance, and also take care of subsequent changes to the app.


In this article, I’m going to show a beautiful use case which I encounter in my project. In this article, I’ll show how to call OIC REST service from VBCS.
Some useful links
Basics of Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Services
Create a simple web application: Visual Builder Cloud Service(VBCS)
In this article, we will execute the below use case:
• Create an OIC REST service which accepts the file, JSON payload(First Name, Last Name) as input parameters and returns the JSON response(Greeting)
• Create Service connection in VBCS application which is used to call REST API
• Create a webpage in VBCS which will have text box (First Name, Last Name), file picker and Submit button


When building Oracle JET Model/Collection structure to render table, you should be careful defining ID attribute. This attribute must have unique values only, if there will be duplicates in ID, then table rows will be rendered incorrectly.
Take as example below structure for Employees REST endpoint. EmployeId attribute provides unique values and it should be defined as ID for JET model:


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JavaScript app runs in a single thread. This means if there is a long-running resource-intensive operation – the thread will be blocked and the page will stay frozen until operation completes. Obviously, this is not user-friendly and such behavior should be avoided. We can use Web Workers, through Web Workers we could run long-running operations in separate threads, without blocking the main thread.


This is a quick tip on Oracle JET Router configurations. There are a couple of ways through which we can pass parameters while navigating using ojet Router.
1) You can set some global parameters while setting up the router configuration. This parameter is available on the static Router.rootInstance object.


I will explain how to reference JavaScript module function in Oracle JET HTML. In previous Oracle JET versions, we were using $root to access parent appController module. Syntax $root looks a bit like magic, it is better to reference module through a predefined variable. I will show you how.


An interesting question came up in the JDeveloper & ADF ODC space. A user asked how to display a button which shows a long text in multiple lines.
The image above shows an af:button with a longer text. If you don’t have enough space in your layout to show such a long text in a button, you can shorten the Text. If this is not a acceptable, one solution is to break the long text into multiple lines. Think about an af:panelSplitter which should show the same button. but the space i for the left pane in the splitter s limited. The result will be that the text of the button can’t be read. In other layouts the button might overflow the given space. his can crumble your whole page layout.


We are pleased to announce an exciting new Oracle Forms 12c ( VM image offering in Oracle Cloud Marketplace for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). This Oracle Forms image is built on Oracle Linux 7 and is a ready-to-run image that allows you to rapidly provision an Oracle Forms environment in OCI. By deploying the Oracle Forms image in OCI, you can dramatically reduce the time and cost to develop, test, and deploy Oracle Forms applications.
In just minutes you can have an Oracle Forms 12c environment up and running, ready to receive your application or create a new one.

Application Development Section


We’re pleased to announce the general availability in all commercial regions of Oracle Functions, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure’s functions-as-a-service (FaaS) platform. Oracle Functions makes it easy to build cloud native applications by letting developers focus on writing code rather than managing infrastructure. With Oracle Functions, you simply write, deploy, and call your function. There are no servers to provision, monitor, or upgrade—it’s serverless!
Functions—What Are They Good For?


The general availability (GA) of Oracle Functions and Events on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure begins a new generation of simplification and openness for cloud users and developers. Oracle Functions is a managed functions-as-a-service (FaaS) cloud service based on the open source Fn Project, and it provides a fully managed serverless platform for Oracle Cloud users. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Events is a managed event-routing platform based on the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) open CloudEvents standard. With it, cloud users subscribe to changes and automatically react to them using a variety of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services. Oracle Functions and Events work together to provide an event-driven serverless platform for cloud native application development.


In my last few posts we took a look at how to create serverless functions which interact with an Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) instance – first with Java, then with Node. We invoked those functions using the Fn CLI, which was handy for testing, but obviously not so helpful when it comes to integrating these functions into our microservice applications. There are in fact several ways to invoke Oracle Functions, but in this post we’ll focus on calling them via the OCI Java SDK.


I’ve covered quite a few different topics related to Oracle Functions recently on this blog, but today I’ll cover what probably should have been the first post in this series. In my previous posts, I showed you how to set configuration variables for your applications and functions, but I have yet to show you how to keep those variables secure. In this post, we’ll look at using Key Management in your Oracle Cloud tenancy to encrypt and decrypt your configuration to do just that. 


We are pleased to announce the 1.2.0 release of Helidon. This release adds support for MicroProfile 2.2 and includes additional bug and performance fixes. Let’s take a closer look at what’s in the release.
MicroProfile is now a de-facto standard for Java cloud-native APIs. One of the main goals of project Helidon is to deliver support for the latest MicroProfile APIs. The Helidon MicroProfile implementation is called Helidon MP and along with the reactive, non-blocking framework called Helidon SE it builds the core of Helidon.


Oracle Coherence Product Development is pleased to announce the release of Coherence Operator 1.0 into general availability.
Coherence Operator is a Kubernetes Operator for Coherence clusters: a Coherence-specific controller extending the Kubernetes API to create, configure, and manage Coherence deployments.


GraalVM Native Image tool rightfully attracts a lot of attention as it offers significant improvements in terms of startup speed and overall memory usage. However, if you create some benchmarks to evaluate peak performance you may observe that the native image sometimes doesn’t offer better throughput too.

Additional Content Developer Partner Community
Tech Dive: Creating Chatbots That Are Less Robotic Conversations between people and chatbots often sound stilted. One technique to help fix this? Alternating how your bot responds so the conversation feels more vivid and natural. Here, follow hands-on instructions to create such responses with Oracle Digital Assistant. 

Functions as a Service: Evolution, Use Cases, and Getting Started by Akshai Parthasarathy
Getting Started with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure by Jeff Davies
How to Use Webviews to Integrate Calls to Remote Web Applications in Oracle Digital Assistant Skill Conversations by Frank Nimphius
Oracle Functions: Invoking Functions Automatically With Cloud Events by Todd Sharp
Upload Documents in an Oracle Digital Assistant Conversation with Messengers like Facebook or the Oracle JavaScript Client SDK by Frank Nimphius

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Paas Summer Camp
Was great to spend a week with friends in Lisbon to become an Oracle Cloud Platform expert. Consultants arround the globe attended the hands-on PaaS Summer Camp. The night edition offered three different tracks including application development, chatbot & content and process & integration. It was great to see many familiar faces and new attendees joining the community. Thanks to the advice from the local team we discovered Lisbon and the Portuguese culture & food. Why do we call is Summer Camp? Visit our Facebook page! See you in San Francisco at #OOW!

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